Inburgering in het buitenland

Mostly, people need “Inburgering in het buitenland” (IBiB) to apply for a MVV (Machtiging Voorlopig Verblijf, a permission for a limited stay).  One part is integration, two parts are Dutch language. This is what they expect from you, and what the exam and training are like:

1. KNS (Kennis van de Nederlandse Samenleving/Knowledge of the Netherlands’ Society)

Each assignment in the test starts with a picture.
You can read the question, but you can also hear it.
Two answers, A and B, are audible and readable too.
Choose the right one!IBiB_kns01

Click here for a KNS exam preview

2. Basic reading skills (“leesvaardigheid”)
This exam is made up of three parts:

a) You read a word, and hear four different pronunciations.
For instance: on the left you see the word “oor”. What is the correct pronunciation?
On the right the selection moves from
A. (you hear “aan”) to
B. (you hear “oor”) to
C. (you hear “hoop”) to
D. (you hear “go”).
Obviously, you have to click B.IBiB_leesv01

b) You hear a word, and have to choose how it is written.

For instance, you hear “oog”. What is the correct spelling?
A. haan
B. hoog
C. hoop
D. oog
Obviously, you have to click D.

c) You read a short text and have to find information.

For instance, you read this card:



What is the correct conclusion?
A. De baby heet Eddy.
B. De baby heet Christa.
C. De baby heet Saskia.
D. De baby’s heten Bobby en Fiona.
Here, you have to choose C.
Click here for a reading exam preview!

3. Basic speaking skills (“spreekvaardigheid”)

To show that you can talk some basic Dutch, you have to do this:
a) You get a number of short questions that you have to answer.
For instance: “Wat is je geboortedatum?”
Listen, take your time and start recording (green circle).
Give an adequate and audible answer.
Stop (red) and relisten (blue) if necessary.
b) You get a number of sentences that you have to finish.
Look at the picture to understand the situation.
You’ll hear a short sentence, followed by the first part of another one.
Finish the second phrase in decent Dutch.
Listen, take your time and start recording (green circle).
Give an adequate and audible answer.
Stop (red) and relisten (blue) if necessary.
For instance: “Joan doet de deur open. Ze gaat…”
Starten >  “…. naar binnen.” > Stoppen

Click here for a speaking exam preview!

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