
    • The best way to show you how and where Waterval works, and who I am: an appointment. Here ’s the classroom  address for Waterval (for appointments, not for paper mail):
      Itersondomein 26A
      6229 ED  MaastrichtItersondomein26a

    • Call me at:
      M    (+31)6 23045039
      T      (+31)43 3616072
    • Mail me at:
    • Or use this contact form:

Bank etc.

IBAN: NL92 INGB 0000 6453 54
Chamber of commerce: 59556196
VAT: NL163698946B03

Postal address Waterval:

Dopplerdomein 2D
6229 GN Maastricht
Classes and appointments at Itersondomein 26A!

Waterval contact - fast response!
Fast response coming!